The values Americans placed on the natural environment in the process of settling the continent helped to shape the nation's history. They ranged from those of:
These ideas help us understand a variety of issues in American history and they are fundamental to understanding the controversy around the decision to dam the Hetch Hetchy Valley in the early 20th century and the efforts today to breach the dam and restore the valley.
In the following activity you are going to explore values about land and its use expressed in the resources contained in the map above. Open the map. The images and written excerpts listed in the table of contents extend from the time of the Sioux poem into the early 20th century, the time of the Hetch Hetchy controversy. The ideas expressed helped to shape the arguments on both sides of the issue. The activity is best completed in groups of 2-3, sharing your thoughts about the resources as you work.
1) Complete a note card like that in the example below for each of the links in the map.
2) Sort your note cards into 3-4 groups based on similarities in the authors'/artists' points of view about the natural environment. Be prepared to defend the way in which you organize your cards.