Downwind Stories

Government documents released during the 1980s following Freedom of Information Act requests contributed to a growing awareness and understanding of the amounts and types of radiation released from the Hanford site during its early years. The availability of this data has resulted in a number of scientific studies of the health of those living downwind from Hanford: the so called Downwinders. The stories of five downwinders are included below. These are first person accounts and reflections of living in the shadow of radiation exposure from the Hanford site.

Anecdotal evidence of historical events like these stories can be tricky. Read through the To Start You Thinking questions and keep them in mind as you study each story.

To Start You Thinking

1) Is the story believable? Identify any parts of the story you do not believe.

2) What general conclusions do you draw from the story? Explain how you think the evidence presented justifies your conclusion.

3) How common do you think this story is?

4) Comment on the logic of this argument:

I think that you are the cause of the problems in the neighborhood. We never had any problems before you moved in.

Explain how the logic relates to the story and any conclusions you draw.

5) What is the value of the story?

Last modified in May, 2024 by Rick Thomas